Expecting a tiny new addition to your family soon? Congratulations! In the midst of all of the planning, excitement, and tiny baby outfit purchasing, it can be difficult to remember that your car is an important element of the process of preparing for your baby’s arrival. There are certain safety measures you’ll want to take before the big day finally comes to make sure your car is super-safe so you can transport your precious new arrival home securely and comfortably.
- Protect your baby from the sun.
Bright rays from the sun are uncomfortable for everyone in the car, but they’re especially unpleasant and even potentially dangerous for a newborn baby with ultra-sensitive skin. Believe it or not, those harmful UV rays from the sun can come through the windows of your car – meaning your baby could get sunburned while you’re out for a drive, even when the windows are closed. Protect your little one from burns and uncomfortable heat and make it easier for them to nap on the road by installing car window tinting castle hill before the due date. - Buy a new car seat.
When you’re pregnant, on a budget, and stressing out about all of the costs involved in raising a child, many families turn to buying second hand baby goods to help cut down on expenses. This can work just fine when it comes to toys and baby clothes, but isn’t as sensible when you’re purchasing your newborn’s car seat. The car seat should be new; with all of the latest up to date safety features included to make sure your precious baby is as protected as possible should an accident occur. Make sure that the sizing is correct before you invest in your seat, and practice installing it and taking it out before your baby arrives so you don’t have to stress over it once the time comes to head home from the hospital. - Add another mirror.
We all have that one essential mirror at the front of the car that helps us keep an eye on the vehicles and road behind us, as well as our side-view mirrors, but when a baby is on board it can add to your peace of mind to install yet another mirror to your car. Put a small mirror next to your rear-view mirror that’s angled towards your baby’s car seat so you can see what they’re up to at all times. It probably won’t reveal anything interesting during the newborn stage besides cute moments, but it’ll definitely come in handy once they start trying to shove random items in their mouth or fight with siblings. - Mess-proof your car.
Once your baby grows into a toddler, there’s going to be a lot of inevitable mess going on in the backseat of your car. While this generally can’t be avoided – snacks and juice boxes and toys are essential if you want to keep your sanity intact while travelling with toddlers – you can make it easier to clean up after your kids. Use a plastic liner to cover the floor of the car so you can just pick it up and shake all of the mess away instead of having to deal with difficult to clean stains on the floor of your car.